Why does Toshiba take part in a carbon offsetting programme?
Toshiba has a long history of innovation including environmental awareness with all of its products. During design and manufacturing Toshiba makes every effort to reduce the environmental impact of its activities. However there are always some unavoidable carbon emissions from the manufacture and operation of its products. The CarbonZero scheme seeks to minimise the lasting impact of the products as well as to provide support to communities in developing countries.

How do you calculate the offsetting of a Toshiba product? And what is included in the Toshiba Carbon Zero Scheme?
The lifecycle analysis of the product begins by assessing all of the materials used to manufacture our products. Throughout the design, production and distribution of the MFP the Greenhouse Gas assessment is applied to determine a carbon footprint for each product. In addition we take into account the carbon implications of the consumables, such as toner and paper consumed, as well as the energy requirements for servicing and operation of the MFP throughout its lifecycle. All the factors combine to give us a Carbon Footprint value expressed in Tonnes which is variable by product. To ensure we cover all eventualities we add a significant buffer figure to our average total. (Actual values can vary by country according to usage and national energy policy.)

How can I see if my Toshiba MFP has been offset?
All Toshiba MFPs or other Toshiba products that have been carbon offset are supplied with a sticker with the CarbonZero logo on installation.

Why is it important to offset carbon?
Carbon offsetting is part of an effective environmental plan. It is important wherever possible to reduce consumption of materials and energy as a priority. This not only helps in the fight against global warming but makes best use of resources and keeps costs down. Carbon offsetting can help further by reducing the release of Green House Gas such as Carbon Dioxide to the same value or greater than associated with the product that is being offset. At the same time however Carbon offsetting can assist developing communities by providing low carbon technology and much needed assistance with basic energy requirements.

Why does my Toshiba MFP not have a Carbon Zero sticker?
If your product does not have the Carbon Zero sticker it may have been originally purchased outside of the Carbon Zero Scheme. The Scheme has been in place since 2009 but introduction timing was variable across Europe. Please contact your local authorised representative who can assist you to register your product. (There may be a small charge for this service)

I bought my Toshiba MFP before 2009. Is there a way I can offset it?
Yes, please contact your local Toshiba dealer/representative, (there may be a small charge for this service).

Can I choose which project I want to support?
Toshiba have selected a number of specific projects to support under the CarbonZero Scheme. These represent a range of technologies and supported communities in line with our corporate philosophy. It is not possible within the scheme to nominate a project at this time.

Can I choose to support other projects that the ones shown?
It is not possible to choose alternative projects to support within the Carbon Zero Scheme. However if you would like to discuss the possibility to measure the Carbon impact of your own business, product or service for the purpose of offsetting please contact co2balance directly.

Why do you not have any projects in Europe?
All of our projects are selected from non Annexe one countries as defined under the Kyoto Protocol. This ensures that the projects help contribute towards sustainable social and economic development in some of the poorest countries and communities in the world. The projects all have a high degree of additionality, meaning that would not be able to happen without the benefit of Carbon financed initiatives and exist to reduce carbon emissions.

How do you ensure that the projects are sustainable?
There are significant social and economic benefits in all of the communities we support under this program. All of our projects are regulated by United Nations approved standards. We support only projects that meet the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and the Gold Standard. These authorities grant carbon reduction credits to a project, only after extensive third party verification and strict scrutiny. A project has to pass these verification examinations annually.

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