RMM and SMBs

December 11, 2019

RMM and small/medium businesses

Most businesses use technology in some way, from marketing to HR, operations to sales. But with this tech-dependence comes the risk of cybersecurity breaches, lengthy downtime and the need for ongoing maintenance. By 2020, some 60% of organisations will have experienced a major service failure. Resulting in a loss of goodwill, a damaged reputation and associated costs. The consequences of which can take months, if not years, to repair.

The costs of system failure

It’s for this reason that Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) is vital for small to medium businesses (SMBs). It proves invaluable, as RMM delivers enterprise-level automation and monitoring, but in an affordable and scalable manner that’s well-suited to SMBs. System failure is costly for all business but can particularly cripple a small one. Consider the fines for a data breach under GDPR - €20 million, or 4% of global revenue. Amounts that will significantly impact an SMB’s finances, if not end the business completely.

How RMM benefits small businesses

RMM ensures that potential weaknesses and breaches are detected proactively. Any downtime is kept to a minimum, increasing productivity and improving the bottom-line. A business’ IT systems will be kept running seamlessly, with automated updates and maintenance scheduled for out-of-office hours, to minimise disruption to the work day. Device lifecycles are extended, so the lifetime costs of the devices are optimised.

Furthermore, time-poor and in-demand IT managers don’t have to worry about on-site maintenance - giving them more time to focus on strategy and preventative measures, rather than break-fix issues and firefighting.

How RMM works

RMM uses a lightweight software known as an ‘agent’ installed on a server, computer, mobile device or other endpoints for 24/7 monitoring. Information on machine health is fed back to a centralised expert team to resolve any issues rapidly. Any problems, such as abnormal activity due to malware, are drawn to the central team’s attention via urgent support tickets.

For every business

With technology underpinning nearly every business process, the consequences of system failure and cybersecurity breaches are vast. That’s why every small business leader should seriously consider the benefits of using an RMM solution.

To learn more about RMM and its applications for your business, download our whitepaper today, or speak to a member of the team.

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